Jazz Arts Project 2025 sponsor opportunities are listed below
International Jazz Day April 30, 2025
The Jazz Age: A Roaring 20's Event
Gala Performance & Fundraiser
Event Underwriting for venues, hospitality, artist fees etc. may be available for specific concerts or events throughout the year.
For information about underwriting please email us events@jazzartsproject.org
Scroll down for info about
ads in our Souvenir Journals
$10,000 - The Louis Armstrong:
Everything from the $5,000 Level PLUS
UPGRADE to 10 tickets with reserved seating at Triumph Brewery
VIP Tickets to the Summer Jazz Café
VIP tickets to the Joy of Jazz Holiday Celebration in December
$5,000 - The Duke Ellington:
Everything from the $2,500 Level PLUS
UPGRADE to Full Page Color Ad
UPGRADE to 6 tickets with reserved seating at Triumph Brewery
On-site sponsor recognition on signage
$2,500 - The Jelly Roll Morton:
4 tickets with reserved seating at Triumph Brewery
On-site sponsor recognition with signs or banners
Half page color ad in journal
Acknowledgment of support to our social media following
Recognition as event sponsor during welcome announcements
Corporate logo/name and hyperlink on Jazz Arts Project website
$1,000 - The Sidney Bechet:
2 tickets to The Jazz Age Gala at Triumph Brewery
On-site sponsor recognition with signs or banners
Quarter page ad in journal
Recognition as event sponsor during announcements
Corporate logo/name and hyperlink on Jazz Arts Project website
$500 - The Earl Fatha Hines:
2 tickets to The Jazz Age Gala at Triumph Brewery
Name recognition in ad journal
$150 - The Fletcher Henderson:
1 tickets to The Jazz Age Gala at Triumph Brewery
Name recognition in ad journal
Program Journal Ads:
Full Page Color – $500
Half Page Color - $250
Quarter Page Color - $125
Shout Out:
Friend of Jazz Arts Project
Shout Out - includes two lines text - $50
(Deadline sponsorship and ad journal
for April 30th Jazz Day Event:
March 19, 2025
Full page trim size: 6" x 9"
Bleed area: 6.25" x 9.25"
Safe Zone: 5.5" x 8.75"
Half page horizontal: 4" x 5.5"
Quarter page horizontal: 2" x 5.5
300 DPI minimum (600 DPI preferred)
High Resolution PDF files, prefer CMYK colors
Jazz Arts Project offers year round events in and around our community ranging from special programs for youth (Jazz Arts Academy, Jazz Jams, Workshops and head start style music camps) to world class concerts at venues such as the Count Basie and Two River theaters. Your support allows us to continue these valuable programs. Please help us fulfill our funding goals.