The Joys of Jazz with Wycliffe Gordon & Friends
A Legends & Lions Concert Event
2024 Sponsorship Opportunities
The Legends - $2500
Reserved premium seating for up to six (6) guests for the performance
Pre-show VIP reception in private lounge
Post-show cocktail reception
Full-page, color ad in choice premium position in concert program
Recognition on social media and marketing materials
Corporate logo, name, and hyperlink on Jazz Arts Project website
The Lions - $1000
Reserved premium seating for up to four (4) guests for the performance
Pre-show VIP reception in private lounge
Post-show cocktail reception
Half-page, color ad in choice premium position in concert program
Recognition on social media and marketing materials
Corporate logo, name, and hyperlink on Jazz Arts Project website
The Legends - $2500
Reserved premium seating for up to two (2) guests for the performance
Pre-show VIP reception in private lounge
Post-show cocktail reception
Quarter-page, color ad in choice premium position in concert program
Recognition on social media and marketing materials
Corporate logo, name, and hyperlink on Jazz Arts Project website
Production underwriting
Event underwriting
Buy An Advertisement

Full Page Ad
A full-page, colored advertisement for your business or organization in the printed program for
The Joys of Jazz concert
Half Page Ad
A half-page, colored advertisement for your business or organization in the printed program for
The Joys of Jazz concert
Quarter Page Ad
A quarter-page, colored advertisement for your business or organization in the printed program for The Joys of Jazz concert